In sport competition is always a top priority. Doing hours and hours of training with no end product removes the enjoyment from the participant as measures of improvement and success go missing. In our sport competition is broken into levels so people of similar standards compete against each other to ensure no morale deflating defeats, just pure enjoyable racing. The levels of competition we mainly deal with are :-
Level 4 - Club Championships
Level 3 - Open Meets/County Championships
Level 2 - Short Course (25m pool) high level meets
Level 1 - Long Course (50m pool) high level meets
Regional Championships
National Championships
To progress through the levels, different qualifying times are set. In level 4 and 3 meets times done in club time trials will be accepted, however times on the British Swimming database or Rankings are preferred and when an event is full those swimmers with times on the "Rankings" will be accepted over those without. Once you have competed in these events your times will be on the "Rankings" and you can see where you are ranked in the county, region or country by using the link on this blog. To enter level 2 and 1 meets swimmers must have ranking times as all of these are checked on the sports entry system used for the galas, therefore it is imperative that swimmers enter licensed meets in order to get times on the rankings. As a club we are now bringing in higher standards to move squads and in particular, firm standards that will not be bent for J3 Prestige, all swimmers looking to progress in the sport and through the club must be entering galas to obtain the relevant qualification standards for the higher level meets.