Monday, 14 January 2013

Blog 1495: Fundraising Initiatives

In an effort to raise additional funds for the club, allowing us to keep future fee increases to a minimum the club is looking to set up the following: 

100 Club - Although we are calling it the 100 Club, we will begin running the draw as soon as we have 30 members, but we will not exceed the maximum of 100 numbers.

The entry tickets will be £4 per month per number if paying by standing order, or £48 per year/£24 per 6 months by cheque. Anyone can join; friends, family and work colleagues.

The club will pay out depending upon the number of entrants, for example with 30 members it will pay out £30, £20 and £10 per month, with £60 being raised for club funds.

Initially we are looking to gauge interest – please contact to express an interest, this will not be a commitment to join. – we are currently in the process of registering the club with which helps organisations raise money when their supporters shop online. It works in a similar way to many other loyalty shopping sites, but instead of earning points when you shop, you raise a donation for your cause instead. It's as simple as that! You can shop with over 2,000 well known stores and each will donate up to 15% of what you spend. For example, John Lewis will donate 1%, Amazon 2.5%, The Body Shop 6%, some insurance retailers will even donate up to £30 simply for taking out a policy with them!

Further details will be posted when we have them so watch this space. 

Supermarket bag pack – we will be repeating last year’s event on Saturday 4th of May at ASDA in Long Eaton. Keep the date free; more details to follow nearer the time.