Thursday, 28 February 2019

Blog 2019-48: Stroke Clinics

The club will be running a series of stroke / technique clinics over the coming weeks.

These will be held over six weeks on the following dates: -
  1. Fly – 7th March THIS SESSION IS NOW FULL
  2. Back - 14th March
  3. Breast – 21st March THIS SESSION IS NOW FULL
  4. Free – 28th March THIS SESSION IS NOW FULL
  5. IM – 4th April
  6. Starts and Turns – 11th April THIS SESSION IS NOW FULL
All sessions will be at Trent College on Thursdays 6-7pm

Cost will be £10 per session, or £50 for all 6 sessions.
You can choose to attend as many sessions as you would like; but the places are limited and will be offered on a first come, first served basis.

To book a place on any session please email