Saturday, 2 March 2019

Blog 2019-50: Eckington Open Meet - County, JD2 & JD1 squads

Entries are now open for the Eckington Open Meet:

Date: Sunday 5th May 2019
Venue: Eckington Leisure Centre, S21 4DA
Entry fees: £5 per event (plus £1 per swimmer towards coach passes)
Squads: County, JD2 & JD1
Closing date: Friday 15th March - entries into the box at West Park by 9.00pm
Entry pack: here

Please note - entry times are needed for each event - please do not just tick the form to indicate you wish to compete.  Entry times do not have to be on the ASA database, however if an estimated time is being used, it must be signed off by the swimmer's coach before the entry form is submitted.