Sunday, 3 March 2019

Blog 2019-52: Notts Northern Junior Meet - County, JD2 & JD1 squads

Entries are now open for this year's Notts Northern Junior Meet:

Date: Sunday 30th June
Venure: Harvey Hadden Sports Village
Events: 50m each stroke, plus 4x25m IM
Entry fees: £5 / event (plus £1 per swimmer towards coach passes)
Squads: County, JD2 & JD1
Closing date: Friday 22nd March - entries into the box at West Park by 9.00pm

Entry info & schedule: here
Entry form: here

Please note - you must enter a time for each event, but that time does not have to be on the ASA database.  If you are entering an estimated time, please get this signed off by your swimmer's coach before submitting your entry form.