Friday, 28 February 2020

Blog 2020-46: LESC – Team Building Event

After the success of last year’s team building event at Splash Landings, the Club would like to organise another team building event this year.

There are three options and we’d like to give you the chance to vote on your favourite:

  1. Red Kangaroo – Trampoline Park (Nottingham)
  2. Splash Landings (Alton Towers)
  3. Ninja Warrior (Stoke on Trent)

Who can attend?
The following Squads: JD1, JD2, County, Midland, National, Seniors, Masters and Fitness.

A Saturday evening (April-July tbc) for 2 x hours.

Estimated cost of up to £25 (dependent on numbers).

To express your interest, please fill in the sheet on the board at West Park by Friday 6th March.

Thank you!