Wednesday, 18 March 2020

Blog 2020-58: Training and Coronavirus - UPDATE

At the Committee meeting last night the main topic for consideration was the recently issued guidance from Swim England, our national governing body (which can be found here) and the implications for our membership.

At the moment all of our facility providers remain open to the general public or for external hire and it was the decision of the Committee that we will continue to offer a full training programme until the end of the week, This will give us a chance to make further contact with our facility providers and work towards a solution that will enable us to protect our membership whilst trying to ensure the future viability of the club.

Our intention is to keep our swimmers and coaches as safe as possible. The guidance we have received is that water and chlorine within swimming pools helps to kill the virus. However, given the increasing focus on social distancing to prevent the spread of COVID-19 we will be implementing some immediate changes to our pool and land based training approach:

·       The latest hygiene advice from the NHS to reduce the risk of infection can be found here
·       If any swimmers or coaches fall into the “at-risk” category then we recommend that government advice is followed and those individuals should take particular care to minimise their social contact by not continuing to attend training. The “at-risk” category is as follows:
o   People over the age of 70
o   Other adults who would normally be advised to have the flu vaccine (such as those with chronic diseases)
o   Pregnant women

Your swimmer should not attend training:
·       If someone from your household has a persistent cough or fever – current government advice is that everyone living there must stay at home for 14 days
·       If your swimmer has any indication of illness 
·       If your swimmer has been in close personal contact with someone who has positively tested for COVID-19 in the last 14 days then we ask your swimmer does not attend training for 14 days minimum

From Wednesday 18th March, to reduce the risk of possible spread within the various leisure centres no parents / guardians will be allowed poolside or into any poolside spectator area. This requirement is not in place for our pools whereby the spectator area is separated from pool by glass (West Park Leisure Centre). We realise that this may be difficult for those that are required to stay on site because of the age of their child but would ask that you bear with us during this time.

We ask all swimmers to:
* Maintain excellent hygiene
* Shower before and after entering the water
* Wash hands or use hand sanitiser on a regular basis
* Do not share bottles, snorkels or kit
* Maintain distance from your team members where possible
* Focus on nutrition and hydration
* Exercise extreme caution in communal areas of our leisure centres and training facilities
The latest guidance from Parkwood Leisure, who run West Park and Victoria Park Leisure Centres, can be found here

We are taking all available precautions to ensure our swimmers remain safe and at this stage wish to continue to offer training to swimmers providing the above guidance is met in full. We can only continue to do this if we receive your support in following these instructions. The coaches will constantly review this situation and react to the changing dynamics. 

In the meantime we would ask that all members make decisions based on their own and their family’s personal circumstances – we do not wish anyone to put themselves at additional risk as a result of decisions made in relation to the club as a whole. The whole LESC team is important to all of us and we are trying to find a way to support each other at this difficult time

Obviously this is an unprecedented and fast moving situation and the committee will review the situation over the next 48 hours, or in the light of any further government or governing body advice, with a view to offering a further update on Friday.

Helen Akers
on behalf of Long Eaton SC Committee