Sunday, 19 July 2020

Blog 2020-87 Outdoor Land Training

To Clarify what was put in the email.

Whilst this is open to all members of the club the groups have priorities.

Family units will be put together.

The first two sessions will go to National squad swimmers first, the second two sessions to Midland squad swimmers first and finally the last two sessions will go to County squad swimmers first.

I will try to accommodate the requests for time slots where possible following the above allocation of spaces. At the moment I have received over 20 requests from all squads for the first session of 10 spaces, so as you can tell, the sessions need to be allocated to squads as described in the email.

Once the 60 available spaces have been filled. I will then allocate swimmers to a group and those groups will be as close to the squads as possible so people can train with their friends.

Where a swimmer has requested a specific time I will put them in that time slot if there is space, otherwise it will be as close to it as possible.

The first 60 swimmers will secure those slots for the duration of outdoor sessions. Should those swimmers be away during this period, they are to let me know so I can advertise their space for the time they are off so another member of the club may have access to it.

Dont forget that every week day morning there will be online training available to the entire club as well. Starting tomorrow morning at 7:30