Tuesday 29 May 2012

Blog 1253: Sunburn

Whilst its great to be outside enjoying the nice weather, topping up on your levels of Vitamin D and getting lots of fresh air, it is noticeable that many of you (mostly the girls) are getting sunburn which has a big impact on your ability to train and compete.
There are many articles out there showing that sunburn, as well as causing long term skin damage, makes your body work harder than necessary and creates unpleasant side effects. It’s important to remember that even if you already have a tan, you’re exposing your body to UV rays, which is what actually causes damage and decreased sports performance - in excessive amounts.

On top of usual recovery functions, a sun burnt body has an extra work load:
  • Pain and discomfort can make simple operations such as getting dressed and stretching a little tricky.
  • Fluid loss is triggered by heat, so sunburns can contribute to dehydration.
  • Risk of infection comes with a sunburn that is blistering and peeling.
  • New skin needs to be generated if you’ve got the type of burn that peels.
  • Poor blood circulation can result as vessels are constricted and blood is rushing to the affected area.
  • You’re tired because of all the extra work your body is doing.
At this crucial point in the season you need to be sensible in the sun by covering up, wearing sunscreen, wearing a hat and staying in the shade at the hottest times of day.