Monday 9 September 2013

Blog 1726: Bloodflow and session times

The times for the sessions on the programme are when the pool session starts. Swimmers should be turning up around 15 minutes early to be changed and ready to start at that time. When a swimmer turns up and is changed then they may assist in setting the pool up if needed, parents are also welcome to help out so the session can start on time. Swimmers should be doing bloodflow prior to every session and stretching afterwards. Bloodflow will take between 10 and 15 minutes and stretching is a minimum of 12 minutes to do it right.

Basic Bloodflow includes arm swings, full single arm circles forwards and backwards, double forwards and back, alternating forwards and back and monkey swings. Leg swings forward and back and side to side, jogging on the spot, squats and squat jumps can also be included once proper form on squats is established.

Basic Dynamic stretching (Pre Training) includes roll overs to reach, groiners, mountain climbers, shoulder dislocations and band work, squat complex. Those that have attended land training will know these exercises.

Static Stretching (post Training) Tricep, Shoulder, 45 degree pec stretch, lat stretch, hip flexor, glute, hamstring, quad, calf and streamline all stretches should be held for 30-40 seconds on each limb.

PNF stretching can be done only when the coach says so and when swimmers are able to do this corectly.

Pressure work, tennis balls, foam rollers and band work can be done both prior and after training.

Mobility work should be done daily at home and if flexibilty is to be improved find time to do your stretches as well after your dynamic and bloodflow warm up.