Friday 30 May 2014

Blog 1969: Long Eaton Carnival 21st June

We are holding a stall at Long Eaton Carnival on Saturday 21st June.  Please can everyone look to see if they have any items that we could use for our tombola, we can accept any items but no glass.
Please let you squad rep or myself have your items by the 16th June.

We also need all you bakers to bake some yummy yummy cakes, please can you let us have these either Friday 20th at Trent or West Park, or on the day Saturday 21st June either at West Park, or directly to us on the stall. Please clearly label your containers if you want them back and also label your cakes, cookies, etc so we know what they are. If any items contain nuts please also mark this too.

We are always looking for helpers on the day, even if you can spare an hour this would be appreciated.

This is a great fun raising day and all your donations will help the club.

Thank you
