Monday, 14 January 2019

Blog: 2019-10: Splash Landings

Saturday 23rd March 2019, Alton Towers

LESC has organised an evening at Splash Landings, Alton Towers where we’ll have exclusive use of the waterpark.

Who can attend?
JD1, JD2, County, Midland, National, Seniors, Fitness and Masters.

Saturday 23rd March, 7.00pm-9.00pm.


Securing a place
Please contact Helen Tunnicliffe on:

You will need to pay a deposit of £5.00 (per child) into the box before Friday 25th January. Cheques to be made payable to LESC. Please ensure your deposit is in an envelope with your name and your child/children’s name on it. If we are unable to associate your £5.00 deposit with your name and your child/children’s name/s we cannot guarantee a place. The balance will be due on Friday 1st March.