Tuesday, 15 January 2019

Blog 2019-11: Fundraising Bag Pack - Saturday 2nd February

The committee have arranged a fundraising 'bag pack' event at Asda Long Eaton on Saturday 2nd February.

For those of you who have ever been involved in Guides, Brownies, Cubs or Scouts - I'm sure you are familiar with this activity!
For those who aren't - swimmers will be offering to pack shoppers bags at the tills in Asda in return for a donation to the club.

We will be at Asda from 10am - 4pm on Saturday 2nd February and would ask that swimmers volunteer for either a 1 or a 2 hour slot during this time to help the club raise essential funds.

Any swimmer volunteering to help pack bags and raise funds for the club will be entitled to a discount for the Splash Landings event.

Team Managers will be onsite to supervise swimmers while they are volunteering; and we would ask that everyone wears their club kit, as this is a great opportunity for us to advertise the swimming club in the local community.

If you are able to attend, please email me at lesc.chair@outlook.com with the timeslot(s) you can do:
Many thanks,