Sunday 3 November 2013

Blog 1781: Thank You

 Once again a successful Long Eaton Open Meet with some very positive feed back, especially pleasing to hear this from the swimmers that had travel from afar to take part in this Distance Meet and who say they will be back next year. We are obviously filling a gap in the swimming programme.  Thank you to all who helped on the day, especially to those who were there all day and did not have a swimmer competing!
January 26th is a date for your diary, the next Long Eaton Open Meet, where we should have twice as many swimmers and spectators. Debbie is already accepting entries, details on the Club website, and it is first come... and parents, please make a note in your diaries and perhaps a New Year's Resolution, to get involved. It is a good way to make new friends and an opportunity to learn more about swimming competitions.  See you there?
