Wednesday 22 January 2014

Blog 1846: Competitive Starts

With County Championships fast approaching Development squad and the top end of LTS will be doing the competitive start awards over the next 3 weeks. Here is Melissa's email regarding this.

hi all
starting on Sunday 26th of January for 3 weeks
we will be coaching the pre-competitive and competitive diving award for the swimmers with a certificate available to purchase at the end if you wish.
all of development and learn to swim blue's and white's will be participating with some children being asked to attend one if not two earlier sessions for a little more help, (these children don't yet have the concept of tip not fall) these will be told personally, by text,or e-mail who they are.
we are hoping that 3 weeks will be sufficient and if needed any not quite achieving the desired standard will be offered more time too complete.
my development swimmers will be warming up in the pool from 18.00 till approx 18.20 and then the learn to swim will rejoin us for the remainder of the time, we have quite alot to cover and there will be quite alot of children but I have myself with Ian, Gareth, Chris and Steve to help me.
the children will need another towel and the learn to swim children will need extra juice.
the diving award whilst essential for competition is also a chance for competitive swimmers to achieve something whilst they're waiting to compete in competition.
I am also aware that if maybe a parent or a couple of parents would like to get involved we may be able to look at other awards for the swimmers which are dedicated to the competitive side of swimming but this not an easy job and is quite time consuming collecting monies and getting participation I'm willing to deliver the training etc for the awards but I'm unable to chase the monies if youre intrested could you let either myself or Ian know and we'll go from there.