Thursday 27 April 2017

Blog 3250: Training Test/Trial

A while ago we asked for volunteers to take part in study of training methods. This is an exciting opportunity can majorly effect the way swimmers are trained not just in this club but world wide. As we didn't get enough replies originally we have selected the following swimmers to attend a meeting to explain what will happen and hopefully encourage you to take part in this important experiment. We will hold a meeting in the sports hall during land training on Saturday 6th May at 7:45am. It should only take 15 minutes. Can squad reps please look at this list and remind parents of this important meeting.

9 Year Olds
Lauren Taylor, Sophie Cooper, Anabel Tipping
Elliot Wood, Charlie Cutts
10 Year Olds
Freya Cooke, Phoebe Warwick, Jessica Henshaw
Ethan Douglas, William Mellor, Mathew Douglas
11 Year Olds
Massie Fullerton, Sophie Goodman, Sue Alpan
James Bartram, Ewan Ascott, Fin Rodgers
12 Year Olds
Esttella Pendry, Ella Prout, Julia Summers
Patrick O'Donnell, Toby Akers, Thomas Rippon

If you definitely do not want to take part please let me know asap so we can call up an alternative.